Apex Drop-in

01-02-2024 @ 10:30 – 12:00
Apex Church
St Faiths Road
Cowes. PO31 7HH
Jill Groves
01983 221222

Every Thursday morning the Apex Church welcomes mainly retired or older people for coffee (and often cake!). For many who live alone this is a mid-week oasis, where they can find a friendly smile (and a hug) it can be a highlight of their week. They have the opportunity to enjoy good company, listen to one another, celebrate birthdays and laugh a lot. Often there is a Speaker, however they also play games or have a quiz. At the end, they take a few minutes to reflect on the Word of God and finish with prayer.

Today’s Guest Speaker is Glenn Abbott of Red Cross First Aid

Everyone is Welcome!

If you know anyone who would benefit from attending, ring or email Jill for more details. Transport can be arranged for the less able.

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