The Isle of Wight Literary Festival – 2023 – Colin Groves

07-10-2023 @ 11:20 – 12:20
Northwood House
Ward Avenue
Cowes. PO31 8AZ

Life Wasn’t Boring

Soldering is a serious, frequently bloody business. That aspect has been documented endlessly. But behind the blood, thunder and de-humanising aspects of conflict are people – people in uniform and people supporting them. All of them have personal feelings and aspirations and they experience the humdrum assortment of daily occurrences that closely match those of their civil society. Colin Groves will relate the life, times, successes, failures and most importantly, the personal inter-actions and loves of a professional infantry officer and his family, over more than a third of the century that was his service.

In the Ballroom

Tickets: £10.00 pp

To book tickets, follow the Link


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